The headline of a recent Scientific American article here is
Scientists say free will probably doesn't exist, but urge: "Don't stop
believing!" Why “Don’t stop believing?” Well, the gist is: We don’t have
free will. We are influenced by everything. Our basic beliefs are our strongest
influence. If one comes to truly
deeply unflinchingly believe that free will does not exist, then any kind of
behavior is as good as any other. The researchers in the article found that
even having someone read a single article about human behavior being determined
results in measurably ‘worse’ behavior, “when people believe—or are led to
believe—that free will is just an illusion, they tend to become more
Also from the article, “…the findings reveal a rather strange
dilemma facing social scientists: if a deterministic understanding of human
behavior encourages antisocial behavior, how can we scientists justify
communicating our deterministic research findings? In fact, there’s a rather
shocking line in this Psychological Science
article (one easy to overlook): If exposure to deterministic messages
increases the likelihood of unethical actions, then identifying approaches for
insulating the public against this danger becomes imperative. Perhaps you missed it on your first reading too, but
the authors are making an extraordinary suggestion. They seem to be claiming
that the public “can’t handle the truth,” and that we should somehow be
protecting them (lying to them?) about the true causes of human social
How does this relate to Gurdjieff?
According to All & Everything, Gurdjieff’s great cosmic myth, early in our history
the Higher Powers implanted a something in Mankind to make us see reality upside down, fearing that if we
humans saw our real role and significance, we would commit suicide. Later, the something was removed, but its effect still continues in us.
So, we believe we have many things, an indivisable “I”, consciousness, free
will, etc. and blithely go along living our lives based on these beliefs. But
science now is saying that there is no free will, and that if we lose our
beliefs, our behavior will degenerate.
Is there a connection? Maybe, maybe not. Impossible to verify.
But Gurdjieff offers more to those who can take it in. He
states that we can not “do” (no free will), we are asleep, and we have no
unity. BUT, that we have the potential to develop them. He offers a “science of
being.” He says, to paraphrase, Free will does not exist as we are. Do not
believe. Verify for yourself. The Gurdjieff Work is a path of verification and development.